User recommendations

For your plane journey from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu , we recommend to you :

left side **

     Left side of the plane

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I posted this advice on 2016-01-06 03:30:35

For a plane journey from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Sultan Mahmud Airport
, I recommend :

left side

"Happiness is getting a window seat! "

For this morning flight from KL to Terengganu, I opted for the left window seat to take a peek at the panaromic view, as the sun has risen and it can get a little glaring on the right side. Although it was a short flight, I get to enjoy the beautiful landscape view throughout the flight. Glad I got that seat!
Scapeside which side window seat view
The company I traveled with : Firefly

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** This recommendation is based on which side is the most advised by users. Your Journey trajectory can vary depending on different factors (such as weather and wind conditions, aircraft company flight plans, take-off and landing queues, etc.), so the indicated side may not be accurate for your specific flight.
Also, all the showed results are from your departure city to your arrival city, and are not airport specific. Therefore make sure you verify fisrt the results from your departure airport to your arrival airport.
*** This recommendation is based on scapeside algorithm and may not be accurate. This advice will be refined with further users' advice. Your Journey trajectory can vary depending on different factors (such as weather and wind conditions, aircraft company flight plans, take-off and landing queues, etc.), so the indicated side may not be accurate for your specific flight.
Also, all the showed results are from your departure city to your arrival city, and are not airport specific. Therefore make sure you verify fisrt the results from your departure airport to your arrival airport.